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Green Kid Crafts STEAM Subscription Box for Toddlers: Is It Worth It?

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I’m definitely a huge fan of activity subscription boxes for toddlers. So, I was naturally very intrigued when I came across the Green Kid Crafts Junior Box, which includes 4-6 STEAM projects. The brand is a green and sustainable business with a focus on global reforestation, clean air, and sustainable materials.

The brand was kind enough to send over a Junior Box, designed for ages 3-5. I tested it out with my 3.5-year-old daughter and am eager to share our experience and final thoughts with you.

I also have two coupon codes available to my readers:

  1. MAMA50 for 50% off your first box of any new subscription (up to $15 value)
  2. 2FREEMAMA for 2 free boxes on a purchase of any 12-month subscription ($50 value)

Green Kid Crafts Unboxing & First Impressions

Green Kid Crafts box

Our box was farm-themed and included 5 projects.

Green Kid Crafts farm themed box
  1. Farm community scene
  2. Barn & farm animals
  3. Farm lacing craft
  4. Carrot counting game
  5. Nose-on-a-stick

My first impression was that the carrot counting game looked the most interesting, and the little barn reminded me of a McDonald’s happy meal container. So… my thoughts were a little mixed. 

I’d like to break down our experience with the Green Kid Crafts box into pros and cons. Let’s start with the pros!

Pros of Green Kid Crafts

Anytime we get something new in the house, especially if it’s crafty, my daughter gets really excited. No matter what activity subscription box we get, it’s always so much fun to open it and look at the different activity options with her.

We actually sat down and did all of the activities in this box in an hour (while my 2-year-old was napping).

I think her favorite of the 5 activities was the farm community scene. It’s what she chose to do first, and I love that this activity requires creativity and is fairly open-ended. Your toddler can create their own farm scene using the backdrop and the farm-themed stickers.

While I have my own issues with the nose-on-a-stick activity (I’ll cover it shortly), my daughter had a serious BLAST playing with these.

I cut them out, she stuck them on the sticks, and she was cracking herself up with them!

The carrot counting game is such an adorable concept, and we did have some success practicing numbers! I was actually shocked to see that my daughter was able to identify up to 4 without having to count each hole. After that, she did have to start counting, but I hadn’t realized she’d come this far.

The barn lacing activity is definitely one I appreciate as it helps with fine motor skills. That said, we already have lots of lacing activities, so for me personally, this was just a lower-quality version of what we already have. But I did like this. It wasn’t my daughter’s favorite, but every child is different.

As for the little booklet that came with the activities, there was a matching worksheet inside of it that my daughter enjoyed. When she finished matching the baby animals to their parents, she asked for more! So I ended up finding some extra worksheets online and printing them off for her.

Overall, my daughter’s experience with Green Kid Crafts was generally good. She enjoyed almost all of the activities, and it made for a fun little afternoon. 

One of my favorite parts of STEAM subscription boxes, besides the educational aspect, is it gives me and my daughter some bonding time. I like to think these are memories she will cherish, and if nothing else, I hope she’ll have warm fuzzy feelings when she thinks back on her childhood.

Now, on to the cons of the Green Kid Crafts subscription box.

Cons of Green Kid Crafts

I read some of the other reviews of Green Kid Crafts and didn’t see anything negative, so I’m worried it might’ve just been the box I got. However, the quality of the items you get is pretty sub-par, in my opinion. 

My daughter still had fun, don’t get me wrong, but I was personally a little disappointed.

For example, the carrot counting game, which looked like a ton of fun, fell apart. The velcro was not glued to the felt very well, so when my daughter pulled the number off the carrot, it pulled the velcro base with it. Thankfully, I had extra sticky dots from the printables we make here at home, and I was able to fix things as we went. But I wasn’t impressed with that!

And the barn & farm animals activity was basically a throwaway, in my opinion. The barn was warped and doesn’t stay together, and the little animals are plastic junk. I was honestly confused by the little plastic animals because I thought Green Kid Crafts was supposed to be sustainable. These are exactly the kinds of toys that end up in a landfill.

In addition, the nose-on-a-stick and farm community scene activities are so simple, it’s hard to believe you’re getting much value out of the subscription box. Those two activities are basically two sheets of paper, 4 popsicle sticks, and a sheet of stickers.

There is definitely value in this box, especially since you don’t have to come up with all of the activities. But compared to other options, like the KiwiCo Koala Crate (or just spending a few minutes at the Dollar Tree), I’m not convinced it’s worth the price.

Green Kid Crafts vs KiwiCo Koala Crate

I think the obvious comparison here is the Green Kid Crafts Junior Box vs. the KiwiCo Koala Crate. They’re both STEAM subscription boxes for kids that include a variety of projects and activities.

Here’s a comparison of these two subscription boxes, based on a 1-month subscription:

Green Kid Crafts
Age range
# of activities
Price for 1 box
Price per activity
Quality of materials
Quality of directions
Unique, innovative activities?

Now, the pricing listed above is if you only purchase 1 month. In my opinion, these subscription boxes are really meant for 6 or 12-month subscriptions – the price is right when you go for that length. That’s what my family has done (twice now) with KiwiCo. 

So, to be fair, let’s compare these two kits if we were to choose a 6-month subscription with a typical discount code.

Green Kid Crafts
Age range
# of activities
Price for 6 boxes
Price per activity
Discount used
50% off the first month*
30% off the first month**
Quality of materials
Quality of directions
Unique, innovative activities?
*This discount is available to you using my code MAMA50
**This discount is basically always available. The code may change, but you can count on being able to get 30% off your first month. During special events, it does go up to 50% off your first month, but this subscription is so inexpensive, the difference in savings isn’t that much.

It’s just hard for me to believe that even in the lowest cost scenario, some of the activities in my Green Kid Crafts box were valued at $4 or more. I know you’re paying a premium for someone else to compile the activities, but the animal noses on popsicle sticks and the red barn activity just aren’t worth the premium, in my opinion.

While KiwiCo is more expensive per activity, I personally find the materials and the experience to be higher quality. And when you compare the cost based on a 6-month subscription, it’s not that much more per activity. I prefer fewer, high-quality activities (with better step-by-step instructions) than more activities that are lower quality.

I’ll include a few side-by-side examples so you can visualize how KiwiCo projects compare to the Green Kid Crafts activities.

To sum up my comparison of KiwiCo vs Green Kid Crafts: I think KiwiCo’s projects are more thought-out, and I truly would not be able to recreate them or come up with them on my own. The Green Kid Craft boxes seem very simple, and some of the materials are pretty low-quality. I think I could come up with these kinds of activities on my own without much effort and with supplies I already have at home.

My Final Thoughts

There are definitely redeeming qualities to the Green Kid Crafts subscription box, and your family may love it! But from our experience, the quality of the items leaves much to be desired, and I don’t feel like you get enough value compared to what you pay.

I won’t be purchasing any additional Green Kid Crafts boxes, and my vote for best STEAM subscription box still goes to KiwiCo’s Koala Crate.

However, if you want to try Green Kid Crafts for yourself, be sure to use one of the discount codes provided to us by the brand:

  1. MAMA50 for 50% off your first box of any new subscription (up to $15 value)
  2. 2FREEMAMA for 2 free boxes on a purchase of any 12-month subscription ($50 value)

If you’ve tried Green Kid Crafts before, I would really love to hear your opinion in the comments section below!

2 thoughts on “Green Kid Crafts STEAM Subscription Box for Toddlers: Is It Worth It?”

  1. I think it’s obvious that you put a lot of thought, effort and time into this review. I appreciate very much your tables that compare the two subscription boxes and I think you make some great and FAIR points both in favor and against buying this. Not everything is going to be a 5 star product and you can’t feel bad for giving a mixed review. It wasn’t flat out negative, it was mixed. Yes, the company may not be pleased, but you were honest which, as a follower of your blog, I appreciate. That’s how you earn respect from your followers. I want, as a consumer, to know what isn’t worth my hard earned dollar. Great job with this product review! Keep them coming!


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